The only thing I would've maybe changed about the day is to leave at 9:00 pm instead of nearly 10:00 pm. I had to drive home, Vader was far too exhausted for that. Go karts are hard work. Here is a picture of us on our way home, I'm high on caffeine and everyone else is out cold. Thanks everyone.
So now I'd like to post an open letter to Good Joo and family. An open letter in part because Good Joo is required by the bonds of friendship to follow this blog and this forces her to do so. The other reason is because since she's no longer a part of the neighborhood, she isn't mentioned often in the blog and isn't included in all the neighborhood dramas. Poor Good Joo.
Dear Good Joo, Hubby, Little A & B,
Thank you, thank you, so much for a fantastic day! Everything was so wonderful and we had so much fun. From antiquing to putt-putt, dinner around the table together to watching B play in the dirty dishwasher, all of it...enjoyable. We can't say enough thanks.
Your A is an adorable little girl and has become so much fun for A and D. They don't just want to watch her play and laugh with her, now they wrestle around with her, find things everyone can agree to play together and just enjoy each other's company. Admittedly I miss the little firecracker that swore with reckless abandon and wasn't shy about showing her disdain for D, but who wouldn't miss that? And who wouldn't love Little A as she is now? Oh, here's a funny story from the ride home. Apparently D realized that wanting to play with Little A was clearly reciprocated by her and this is what he said:
D: Today was so great. We need to do this more often. A was so much fun and didn't even want to hit me. Do you think it's because I'm tall?
A: Hmmm, well you have been growing. Could be.
Me: Huh?
Anyway, I'm so glad to find I'm not alone in all my crazy, I need to tear all my hair out, episodes. Thank you, Good Joo, for having them too. God, we even became sick at the exact same moment from antiquing in what must've been basements full of black mold. That's awesome. Shared sore throats form a cement bond around friendship. But Good Joo, why couldn't we have had a shared pregnancy instead? Why? I need a fat B too. Ooooh, that Vader, wrecking my cement bonds and baby moments.
Well, we all just want to say thanks for a great day. Don't expect that we're not going to want to do it again soon. We'll just see if we can't schedule a day between barfing babies, strip club outings and mountain bike excursions again. I know, I know, we are two very busy families, but it seemed to work out perfectly this time.
We love you guys and miss you already, the neighborhood is too quiet without you.
Love Leaf, Vader, A & D