Now, I have to get back to what this blog is really about, and why I need the blog. A place for me to rant about various kinds of tacky behavior. Mostly Vader's. Vader, Vader, Vader....
Vader loves his bike. Sorry, I mean, LOVES his bike. So this week, he goes on a bike ride with his biking buddy and doesn't show up back home again until after 11:00pm. Whaaat? Do I get a phone call...nope. Did he wonder if I had other plans and he'd need to be with the kids....nope. Do I even get a forewarning? One guess. Did I make supper...yup. Did I wonder if he was dead...yup. Mind you, this is not a week unlike any other. This has certainly happened before. He doesn't always stay out until midnight (10 is more common), but many a time supper has gotten cold waiting for him. Just to find out that he ate with his friends. Please, don't ask how happy that makes me. Because I just couldn't tell you even if I used all the varied and graphic curse words of my forefathers before me. It wouldn't be enough.
Now, this week, I've chosen not to speak to him, I'm a little too angry for that and there are children present. He doesn't notice, but I do it anyway. So, I decide to go ahead and speak to him then yesterday. His reply to me had to do with what he ate for dinner at his friends house. Oh Bleaders, oh how I itched to kick his ass...still do. Instead I just snapped at him that he wasn't to speak of it. I do believe it's time for Vader to take a Big Girl pill and get his ass home for supper if he wants to keep his bike, or his ass for that matter. Either that or learn how to use his flippin' phone. If you happen to see him bruised and beaten...don't good can come of this behavior.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Don't Judge
Though I'm not really worried about being judged as I'm sure no one is reading. Despite this, for my own peace of mind, I'm adding a new post because some things, I just don't want to forget and I type waaaay faster than I write.
As of this winter, D rollerskated precisely 1 time. As in once. It was last spring, that would be 2009. This winter...that would be 2010, he announced that his true dream job is being a car hop at Sonic because he's such a great skater. This wasn't just a off the cuff comment, he talked of it daily and how wonderful he is at skating ,and how old do you have to be to have a job, and can you wear regular skates or only rollerblades, etc. Finally, this spring he found a pair of roller blades at a garage sale. They were $2 and he insisted on them. I thought it was going to be futile nightmare and I saw a lot of bandaids in our future. One time of skating does not a pro make. He started using them immediately and constantly. He actually started to get good. Then, in later spring we found another pair of rollerblades at a sale for $2, but they were of a top namebrand, so I picked those up too. Now he has two pair, one great pair, one spare/share pair. More than that, he's an awesome rollerblader. Like, really good. So due to his fantastic determination, from time to time, we have to drive out to Sonic for their 99 cent sundaes after 8pm so he can get pointers from the pros. I see a successful career in the many 8 year olds practice on a daily basis for their future careers?
We had a great day at the Ludington State Beach this summer. We drove into town and it was swamped, way busier than it should've been. We couldn't even get to the regular in town beach, there were detours and it was a complete mess. Finally I noticed that they were having a Gus Macker tournament and told everyone that's what the deal was. We decided to go the beach up a little further by the campgrounds. It was nice and quiet there, very few people. As we're driving, A says, "Um, what's a Smacker anyway?"
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