This past Friday, the weather was so nice that I just had to go out and clean up the yard. If I didn't hurry up and get it raked I would have to tear out my eyes from looking at it. So I did. I've been having furious bouts of guilt that AJ doesn't really get recess time during the winter, so I sent her out for a recess at the same time. I could only take her idle swinging for about 3 minutes and then my OCD took over. I needed that backyard clean and now. So, I sent her up to the tree house to sweep and clean it 'till it sparkled. That way I could then rake what she sent down. Now, luckily AJ has a bit of my OCD and she actually enjoys cleaning, so we made quick work of the back yard.
While we worked we talked a bit. One question she wanted to ask me was this, "Mommy? Are you good at multi-tasking?" Hello? There may be many a thing I'm not good at, but I'm a kick ass multi-tasker. I fu*king multi-task in my sleep. Knowing this of myself I decided to question if she knows what multi-tasking is because how could she even question this of me otherwise? She replies that she knows what it is and asks again if I'm good at it.
My reply, (while out of breath since I'm raking more intensely than before because I have no more time for raking as now I want to get clothes out on the line.), "AJ, if you live in this house you better know the answer to that. What do you think it's called when I talk on the phone while doing the dishes and cooking supper, all the while handing you plates to set the table with and sending your brother off to your dad to do his homework? Let's not even mention combining an OCD obsession of cleaning this yard, giving you a recess, making you clean during it, while giving you spelling words and planning out what's for supper. For gods sakes if moms couldn't multi-task, we'd have to get rid of the husbands once the babies were born cause god knows you can't take care of a husband, on top of everything else we do without being able to multi-task." And holy shit, kick my ass, frickin' point made and proven. Whew.
Perhaps AJ was just looking for a yes or a no answer. She really didn't have anything else to say to me about that.
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