Wednesday, April 22, 2009

He Never Runs Out Of Jokes...Cause He Doesn't Know Any

I've noticed a trend in age 5-7 year old boys. They don't get the knock-knock joke. I believe I've met one or two that did, but for the most part the concept is completely lost on them. Example of standard joke telling by DJ:

DJ: Knock-knock!
AJ: Who's there?
AJ: Tree-car who?
DJ: .............

Example 2:

DJ: Knock-knock!
AJ: *sigh* Who's there?
AJ: Basket-house who?
DJ: Ummm, I forgot.
DJ: Oh wait! I know! KNOCK-A-DOODLE!!

Yes, I know, these are stellar jokes, when's his book coming out, right? Would you believe me if I told you makes them up entirely by himself? He was even so kind as to entertain his cousin with them during spring break 2 weeks ago. She was completely perplexed, but was happy to laugh at him when he would manically break down after completing one of his "jokes". That's the other thing I've noticed. The less sense they make, the funnier they are. Clearly, a knock-knock joke is at it's best when there is one made up word, and at least one nonsense word. All I can do really is roll my eyes and go with it. They say laughing at yourself is good for you and my kid laughs insanely and often. He's sure to be the healthiest person in the family.

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