Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby Girl

Well, it was a very busy week and this week doesn't look like it's going to get any better. It was AJ's birthday last week. My little charming, chubby, sumo wrestler, baby turned into a 5 foot tall, skinny, ass-kickin' karate master, 11 year old. All of a sudden. Really, it feels like it was practically overnight. Her birthday usually tends to draw out over a matter of days, not just a day. She has to have her special day with us on her birthday, then she has to have a special day with her best friend where I take them to the mall. Then she has to have a special day with her grandparents (and, or my sister & family depending on if they've left the state or not). She didn't get to have the exact meal she wanted on the grandparents party day because we had to switch our plans a little bit, so we'll be finishing that up on a whole other day. She really knows how to drag out a birthday, Readers. It's a talent. All I know is that I'll be telling everyone I meet that she's 9. That's a much more acceptable age for the oldest child of a 29 year old after all. Just because she's a year older, I don't think that means I have to be too. I'm quite comfortable where I have been for the last 6 years.

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