Last night was the 3rd annual VD September-fest & Rib Cook Off. I think it's obvious by the name that it was hosted by my friend V, who puts the V in VD. As well as her husband who technically is D, who puts the D in VD, but he's always been known in this blog as China and will be known as such forevermore. You can refresh why he's known as China
here and also
here. September-fest is a success based on who shows up, how good the food is, and if they can get live music. In my judgement this year was total success.

BFF Good Joo came up from Indiana along her with hubby, Free Spirit. Of course they brought Little A and Juicy B. Free Spirit has a mini-band with his friend, Dentist. They play such favorites of us 30-somethings as Bon Jovi, Poison, Neil Diamond, and even a little Simon and Garfunkel. You can see by the pics of the party that Free Spirit looks like a farmer, that happens when you move to Indiana farm country. By next year he'll probably be singing Kenny Rogers and Willie Nelson. You can also see Juicy B, she's got the music in her, she can't get enough Bon Jovi. What you can't see in the picture is Good Joo loudly heckling Free Spirit. It didn't even throw him off track, he's a true professional.

Vader was very into the music, as you can see he's really letting loose. Then of course I'm sitting with Good Joo, E, and V. V is next to China who has his BFF Mini Me practically attached at the hip. Now, I'm going to have to point out that I'm on the left of the picture. I notice that there are others that look like me, nearly everyone was Dutch so we were blonde and everyone clearly copied my outfit, how embarrassing for them. They must all read my blog and have been studying my sense of style. I'll take it as a compliment.

This is a great photo of the party-goers as well as V & China with his BFF. For those of you who couldn't attend, China was the undisputed winner yet again of the rib cook off. I highly recommend stopping by the house of VD some night around dinner time if you smell grilling meat. China does magical things to his meat.
This is another aerial picture I had to take for The Fest so you could take in the splendor of food, grills, mini-band, and loads of party-goers. And Vader. Always the splendor of Vader.
Well Readers, it's never fun to say goodbye to summer. But that really depends on who you know, doesn't it? Who wouldn't look forward to an end of summer party such as this? I for one am happy to say, "Good-bye summer, bring on the VD Septemberfest!!"
vader was totally lame this year. that's what happens when free spirit is busy guitaring away and singing out of tune. now i may be tone deaf, but something was just a little off even for my tender, precious ears. and watch out weight watchers. 432-seven layer bars is NEVER a good thing...well it is (clearly)...but you know what i mean.