Vader is addicted to mountain biking. We have to work it into our family schedule, vacation schedule and even move around the work schedule....for the biking. Don't get me wrong, I love a hobby, I have a few myself. However, this past-time of his is wearing on me this week. I have far too much to do. As I was cleaning and painting and packing and taking care of the children last weekend to prepare for the realtors, here is a picture of Vader....coming home from his road ride.
After returning from said road ride, he was overhead talking with a mountain biking buddy. What was said, didn't please me. He's decided he needs to up his riding days. He's just not getting in enough rides. So this is a picture of him loading his mountain bike onto the car for the mountain bike rides he took last week during the time that I was very busy being frantic over all manner of things including my completely virus ridden computer, and how to get everything done in a day without my computer since my job is solely on the computer.
Perhaps I wouldn't be such a crab about all the biking if his list of things to do before we sell the house was finished. Perhaps I wouldn't be such a crab about it if he didn't lose 5 pounds with every single ride and then tell me how loose his damn pants are. No one wants to hear about your amazing weight loss, Vader.
ahhh Vader...... the force known as my sister, will catch up with you soon.... pretty, it will not be... :)-