Oh the splendor. The wonder of it all. It's exactly what I've been dreaming of and I didn't even know it. A giftset. A teeny giftset of teeny Barbie as she's changed through the decades. Shut. Up. There are actually 6 tiny dolls in the giftset, not shown are Teeny Brunette Bubblecut Barbie and Teeny Number 1 Ponytail Barbie. They measure only about 2 1/4 inches. As you can see, they are all dressed in an itty bitty replica of their original outfit from the year they were released. Is there anything cuter than a miniscule orange plastic bikini with a white net cover up? Now, I know you can't really get the full appreciation of them from this little bitty picture, but I assure you, they are stunning. I want to just eat them, or crush them in my hand, like I'm King Kong until their heads pop off, or stuff them into my bra so they can go everywhere with me. That's how much I love them. Sadly, I can do none of those things as I'm not supposed to know about them. They're a super secret Christmas gift. Yeah right. One that I'm going to be drooling over in my office daily because I can't let it out of my sight.
they are wonderful! I hope I get some for Christmas too...... that would be REALLY fun! I am not sure you should crush them & put them in your bra though....... how about a bigger bra & we could sew little compartments into it for them... then there would be no popping off of the heads. :)-