Friday, December 12, 2008

A Hilarious Blog

Originally posted: 08/28/2008
Well, today starts my blog. This isn't something that I've put a lot of thought into doing, nor is it something that I wanted to do because it will be cathartic as some bloggers say. No, I'm writing it because my mom told me I should......because it would be hilarious. She doesn't mention that writing about my life could be interesting, or thought provoking, or dramatic, or hell, even something as saccharine as helping keep faraway friends and family updated. Nope. Hilarious.

Not that I'm completely clueless as to why. I am a mom. Is there ever a quiet moment? Is there anything funnier than a six year old singing "She'll Be Coming Around The Mountain", in the voice of Louis Armstrong? Completely in tune of course because I'm not putting up with any half ass Louis Armstrong singing. Or how about said six year old asking the neighbor if her son "just pooped his diaper.....or did he just forget to brush his teeth today?" Hmmmm....

I know mom, as you're reading this you're thinking I'm letting my daughter off the hook, that's not the case, she's pretty funny too. Now, most days I would say sibling rivalry, not hilarious. However..... One day when my youngest got freaked out by a mouse in the back shed, my oldest consoled him by saying, "Its okay, don't worry, mice don't eat people." Then she told my ultra picky eater, "Mice eat cheese. Of course, you mostly only eat cheese, so it'll probably eat you." This happened over a year ago, but I'm sure we're still dealing with the traumatic after effects of that statement. Good times.

Really my life, like most is full of drama, doubt, fear, and some absurdity. Happily most of it can be put in the hilarious column. It may take a few months, but eventually it'll make it over there.

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