Sunday, December 14, 2008

You Snucker You

Originally posted: 11/05/2008
I snort when I laugh. It just happens sometimes. I have one of those laughs that comes from down in my lungs so that I can't really breath and then I try to take a breath and I snort. Most people know that about me, I thought my kids did too. Then this weekend, something set me off, my little boy says crazy things, let's face it. And so my mom and the kids and I are in the car and I'm dying laughing and I had to breathe and I snorted. Loudly. So we're all still laughing and he says, "Who snuckered?" We're all like huh? "Come ooonn.....who snuckered? Someone did and it wasn't me. Someone snuckered you guys! Who?" What in the hell is a snucker?! Why's he gotta make up words? I'll tell you what, I'm not owning up to it. I'm not taking any chances, I don't know what he's talking about. It's just like when babies start talking/babbling and you reply with "yes" to them all the time, what a mistake, they may be telling you they plan to cry all night until you come and get them to sleep in bed with you. Whatever you do, do not reply to those babies with a yes until they speak in real words, otherwise, you're just asking for it. We can assume what my little boy means, but what if we do and in fact snucker means, "a sneaky sucker", or worse yet, what if it's, "a snide fu*ker". Just like we assume with those babies, we think they're babbling to us they love us so much and love their life and then they turn around and shit all over you and keep you up all night, oh those babies, they're sneaky suckers.

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