Friday, December 12, 2008

I Wish I Was Swiffering...

Originally posted: 09/25/2008
I'm working on something new right to make more hours in a day, because right now there just aren't enough. I'm not sure how to squeeze that time in, but it seems like we can do something about it. I mean we can save money, just use coupons and put the savings in the bank, can't we bank time too? I need extra time right now, but I know this winter, I'll have tons of time on my hands, how can I borrow that time? I think I'm going to have to talk to the people who invented the Swiffer, their brilliance is sure to shine new light on my plan. We'll get some brainstorming going.

In other news, I'm currently taking an exercise class. Not something I enjoy using my time up on, but something must be done about the roll that has formed around my middle, for gods sakes. I'm a bit concerned though, the workout feels pretty good, my girlfriend that goes with me even said that my side-kicks look good, but I'm never sore. Please understand, I'm not bragging, I am quite certain that I'm doing something horribly wrong. I regularly pick a spot in the back because I know I'll screw somebody up if I'm standing in front of them and they see me. I can't do the workout at all if my eyes are not completely trained on our trainer and I'm doing the movements on the exact same side at the exact same time as her. I have to just stop and start all over again if I get off just a little bit. I am that visual of a person, auditory commands mean nothing to me. Probably all my stopping and starting again is causing me to completely lose any good that the workout does. I'm a wreck out there. So now, not only am I not getting rid of this roll, I'm losing an hour that I could otherwise be putting stuff on ebay.....or swiffering....or playing computer solitaire

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